How Fibre Rich Foods Improves Your Sleep

It is recommended that an adult should get 7-8hours of good sleep per day however we have more people sleeping less than 7 hours of sleep per night. These habits could be contributing greatly to the rise of lifestyle diseases in our nation. Good quality sleep is vital for our mental, heart, and immune health and skin health. When someone has sleep problems they mainly associate it with stress, phones, or their jobs. However, the main culprit could be diets low in fiber. Eating foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grains, and pulses have several benefits like improving digestion to helping prevent lifestyle disease. However, in recent times research has proved that these foods improve sleep quality. This is largely due to their high fiber content. A rich fiber diet does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels since unstable blood sugar levels, in general, are associated with poor quality of sleep. Fiber favors the production of serotonin which is a hormone that induces sleep unlike high sugar and fatty foods.
Take-Home For better quality of life and lower hospital bills, it is important to make lifestyle choices that promote healthy sleep.

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How Fibre Rich Foods Improves Your Sleep

It is recommended that an adult should get 7-8hours of good sleep per day however we have more people sleeping less than 7 hours of sleep p...