Five Amazing nutrition benefits of beet leaves

Photo courtesy: Fresh beetroot

Anaemia or low iron have remained a great health challenge to pregnant women,children and other vulnerable groups. However most people consume beet root and throw away the leaves(greens), therefore missing the nutrition benefits of the leaves.The leaves contain a high proportion of nutrients e.g leaves are very high in iron actually higher than the commonly consumed spinach.

Beet leaves contain good amounts of nitrates which are converted into to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide helps in widening of blood vessels, helps to lower blood pressure  and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Beet leaves contain carotenoids (inactive form of Vitamin A). carotenoids function as antioxidants in the body. Since Carotenoids are fat-soluble compounds they should be consumed alongside a source of fat. Consuming leaves together with a fat source is ideal to make the body absorb more carotenoid.

The leaves are also a good source of zinc and vitamin K. Zinc helps maintain good skin, immunity and hair integrity. Vitamin K contained in beet leaves helps the body to build proteins and bones

Some potential concerns while eating the leaves include;

1:Oxalate which is contained in the vien and stalk of the leaves is not suitable for people suffering from kidney diseases 

2:High vitamin K levels may pose a considerable danger  for patient taking blood thinner drugs

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