5 Situations that make the baby to breastfeed more often

Babies do not just breastfeed because they feel hungry(nourishment). There are very many other needs that breastfeeding benefits the baby from ; ✓ To get eye contact which helps them to understand that she/he is loved and protected by the mum. ✓ To be close to mum as they try to adapt to the new experience of lights, noises,smells etc.Breastfeeding time gives the baby reassurance of mum's continued physical presence. ✓ When the baby wants to fall asleep there will be a desire to breastfeed. The hormone cholecystokinin is released into a baby's stomach once suckling starts making your baby feel full and sleepy. ✓ When the baby is trying to cope with pain, breastfeeding provides for an opportunity for skin‐to‐skin contact, warmth, sounds and smell of the mother all help the baby to feel more at ease hence the need to breastfeed. ✓ When the baby is scared they will have an urge to breastfeed more frequent. Beastfeeding is very comforting to the baby since they will be held warmly

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